Dec 30, 2009

3rd Class Train Ticket

Indonesian 3rd class train ticket. Size 4 x 6 cm. Printed on hard paper. In fact, many people ride this train without buying a ticket. They simply give the ticket examiners enough money according to agreement (which of course is cheaper than the ticket price). 

Dec 23, 2009

School Uniform's Label

This is school uniform's label. With picture of students wearing uniforms. This naive drawing really amaze me! The good reason for me to start 'collecting unique labels'. 
I think this is very 'Indonesia" and I love it very much.

special seragam sekolah: special school uniforms

Dec 2, 2009

Original "NOKIA" from Indonesia

I do not know these a creative people's work or the work of the plagiarist. NOKIA labels used for sandals! What's on their mind, I really don't know why.
Clearly, this NOKIA will not be able to call or facebooking. It only used for footwear.
I still laughing staring at this.

I got this photo from Gati Kusumo Budiani.

Nov 16, 2009

Indonesian Traditional Taffy

This is a traditional taffy (gulali: indonesian). Made from sugar-gel with various shape like: pistols, teletubbies, ducks, butterflies, bunnies, fruits etc. The man said that he is the third generation. His grand father and his father were making and selling this taffy, too. He just want to continue his family heritage.
In 'the M & M's and Wrigley's era' these kind of candy are really old-fashioned and one of a kind product. I found it in Sunday Market, around Velodrome, Malang, East Java.

The process of Making Taffy. Fully handmade.

The materials.

The moulds. With various shape.

Nov 3, 2009

BMW for Cigarette

Don't be so silly. This is NOR one of the BMW automobile products or Bayerische Motoren Werke new inovations. This is ONLY a product of home industry based in Malang, East Java, Indonesia. A cigarette pack.
I don't know how or why this cigarette named BMW? B-M maybe for Bintang Mas (means: golden star) that written on this pack, but W for what? If you see carefully not only the name that similar to Bayerische Motoren Werke, but the logotype too.

Oct 29, 2009

Corn for cigars

Corn (and paddy) for cigarette label's. What's the relation between corn and paddy with cigars?
The cornfield was beside to the tobacco fields? The owner was so rich that he has cornfield, paddy field and tobacco field? Or there were many personal reason that we do not have to be explained.
"NASERUN" (do you see the lettering? uh) probably was the owner of this home industry.

(indonesian) : corn
padi (indonesian) : paddy
sigarete kretek : blank cigars without filter.

Oct 27, 2009

Various Plastic-Straw Label

Teddy Bear, Apple, and Manggis were chosen for these labels. Manggis is a tropical fruits, easy to find in Indonesia.

These labels silkscreened on thin paper with simple approach and straight message. These straws usually made from recycled plastic. Don't ask me what the color of these straw because of the recycled material (of course, not in white).

sedotan (indonesian) : straw
beruang (indonesian) : bear
apel (indonesian) : apple
manggis : indonesian fruit

Oct 21, 2009

"Safe" Cigarette Label

Cigarette-pack label named "SAFE".
The important question for this label was: "With 33.8 mg tar and 1.8 nicotine is it really s-a-f-e?" "And safe from what?" "Safe for whom?"
Anyway, this kind of cigarette was so popular in Malang, especially in lower community.
Produced by PT. UTAMA MAMA (indonesian) means: the very best mother, a home industy, only for local distribution.
As we know, a good mother will not produce a pack of cigarettes named SAFE that higienically proven isn't safe.

Oct 18, 2009

Wooden Bus

Wooden bus. A handmade toy that made from rejected-wood. Not quite similar to original bus. But it's OK. We can moved this toy manually. Just push it or pull it. No batteries needed. I found it in Gembira Loka Zoo Market, Jogjakarta, Central Java, Indonesia.

Oct 17, 2009

Snapshot: "Coconut-ice Seller"

This old man was selling "coconut-ice". He walked around with his "wheeled-showcase" in a neighbourhoud of Sawojajar, Malang, East Java. With his smiley-face he asked everyone who want to buy a cup of "coconut-ice".
Don't asked him, where or how he wash-out the dishes.

es (indonesian) : ice
degan (javanese) : coconut

Snapshot: "Banana Seller"

This old lady was selling bananas in a traditional market in Malang, East Java, Indonesia. Only a few bananas showed on this old-wood table, in the corner of the market. She looked so quiet.

Oct 7, 2009

Various Images for Plastic-Rope's Label

There are many "plastic-rope" especially used in Indonesian traditional market for tied foods, stuffs or pets.
Images use for that labels are various: from mountain to dragon to Semar (wayang character), labels silk-screened on paper.
There are still no explanation nor reason about why that images used for label.

tali rafia: recycled plastic rope
tali ulet: tough rope
kwalitet terjamin: quality guaranteed

Sep 16, 2009

Photo-Realism for Snack Label

Label with photo of the product's owner on its package. This is for original-guaranted reason. In other words, products without this photo is not o-r-i-g-i-n-a-l. But it's weird, I think... I found it in Ponorogo, East Java.

note: according to Colonel Sander's - Kentucky Fried Chicken, he used sillhouette-style not photo-realism.

Aug 6, 2009

Jasmine Tea: Teh Tang, Teh Pecut and Teh Tjatoet

These are Indonesian various jasmine tea label. Silkscreened on a paper. In Indonesia, jasmine tea are packed with papers and plastics not tin-packed. 
Unusual objects chosen: Pliers and Whip. 

Tang: pliers
Pecut: horsewhip
Tjatoet (Javanese): pliers.


Aug 3, 2009

Parking Ticket

This is ticket for parking automobiles in a kind of restaurant. For a modern restaurant not an old-style one. I found it in Pasuruan, East Java, Indonesia.

Note: See that there's an old-automobile used for illustration of this present-day-ticket. Why old-automobile? Why not use new models?

karcis parkir: parking ticket

Jul 31, 2009

Donald Ducks for Various Snack Label

Donald Ducks used for various snack label. A traditional home-made industry, found in East Java, Indonesia. Why Donald used for these labels? Are they wanna be as famous as Donald?
One of them named Rikky not D-o-n-a-l-d!!!
tape legi: fermented cassava.
kacang garing: fried nuts.
kripik singkong: cassava crackers.

Jul 30, 2009

Plastic Bag Labels

Many label for plastic bags. Label silk-screened on paper. With various selected images for label.
Their use of plastic is clearly opposed to the programs of the eco-activism or WALHI.

tas plastik: plastic bag for shopping
angsa: duck
lengkeng: a kind of Indonesian fruits
petromax: petroleum lamp.

Jul 18, 2009

Indonesian toys: Burung Mainan


Burung Mainan means: Toys looks a like bird. This is the original toys made from coconut leaf. I found it in Bali, Indonesia. This toy can't fly but it can move with 4 wheels on this side. Why we made a bird-like toy that cannot fly?

Jul 17, 2009

Indonesian toys: Funny Cowboy

Funny Cowboy made from handpainted-softwood. That horse's head and tail will moving up and down if we shake this toy. And so to rolls with that whells. I found it in Panderman Hill, Malang, East Java, Indonesia.

Jul 16, 2009

Enting-Enting Gepuk Cap "Klenteng & 2 Hoolo"

Snack label: Enting-enting Gepuk (a kind of traditinal snack made from nuts mixed with sugar). This label was silk-screened on a thin paper also used for packing. Klenteng means a Khong Hu Cu's holy-prayer site. Why this 'holy place' used for a snack label (probably) because the maker was a Chinese and so this originally snack from. Hoolo means Chinese traditional bottle. This one from Salatiga, Central java, Indonesia.

Jul 6, 2009

Various Label for Plastic Bags

In Indonesia, recently, people like to shopping with plastic bags. Especially in traditional market (pasar). Paper bag that issued for "green-healthy-earth movement" or eco-friendly habits are still most abandoned. Just because people did not know how important it is. Only a few change their habit (using paper bags). Here they are some of "various plastic bags label" use for shopping in everyday life. Of course with their "naive" approach (just "labelled it", no brief-design, no similarity with the products).

Jun 24, 2009

Sarong's Label

Sarong is a traditional fabric/cloth. To protect from cold-temperature in South East Nations (Indonesia, Malaysia, Cambodia, Vietnam etc.). It's different from Scotlandian Sarong. This one from Indonesia.
This label use a character named "Unyil", but here changed to "Mungil" (means: small). Unyil was the well-known puppet character in Indonesia. He always wearing a sarong and a peci (traditional hat).

Jun 23, 2009

Sepeda Balap

Teh "Sepeda Balap".
Sepeda Balap means bicycle race.
A naive and funny label for jasmine tea.
This one from Purbalingga, West Java, Indonesia.
What's the connection between a cup of jasmine tea with bicycle racing?
Is it a good idea that after we tired to cycling then we have a tea-ceremony?
Or it just silly?
A very questioned reason.

May 1, 2009

Javanese Fried Chicken: MBOK BEREK

This is a carton box label for ayam goreng.
"Ayam goreng" means Fried chicken.
"Mbok Berek" is the famous Javanese-fried-chicken-cooker in Jogjakarta, Central Java, Indonesia (like Colonel Sanders in U.S.) and it's probably become an icon. 
If we talk about Javanese fried chicken we have to talk about Mbok Berek. Pugeran is the address.
But there were 2 different name: Ny. Pawiro Dikoro and Ny. Kadarmiyatun Sudarman. 
The question is: Who is the real owner of this fried chicken? But times go on and there are no patent crises. 

Silkscreen on carton box/package.
Size 30 x 30 cm.

Pepper Label: AYAM LEGHORN

Pepper Label: Ayam Leghorn (Leghorn Chicken)
Silkscreen on HVS paper, 10 x 4 cm.

"Bubuk Merica" (Indonesian) means "Pepper Powder".
What is the relation between chicken and pepper?
Why chicken used for pepper label?
The Truth is Out There...

Apr 29, 2009


Jasmine tea : KEPALA JENGGOT
'kepala jenggot' means 'a man with a moustache'.
What's the reason that oldman used for a tea-label?
What is the relation between tea and moustache?
That's a very naive and funny question.
I think.

Apr 19, 2009


"Krupuk" means cracker/snack.
Made from maizena and fishy aroma.
A product of homemade industry from Malang, East Java.
This label only made by photocopied it on HVS paper.
Neither silkscreen nor printing.
How primitive, isn't it?
How naive, isn't it?


Jasmine tea: "Teh Gopek."

'Gopek' (Javanese) means 'direct picking from the tree by man not by machine, or 'fresh from the tree'.

This one from Slawi, Central Java, Indonesia.

Cigarette Paper Label "Djanoko"

Many people in Indonesia are still rolling his own cigarette. Especially in rural areas. They buy tobacco and cigarette paper separately, and then make his own cigarette. Here seen brand of cigarette paper are much in demand: Cigarette Paper "Djanoko". 

"Djanoko" was a popular wayang (leather puppet) character.
"Manis" means the cigarette paper taste is "sweet".

Apr 14, 2009

ONTJOM RAOS since 1950

Snack product label: ONTJOM RAOS.
Ontjom is a kind of snack/crackers made from milled-bean.
Raos means "taste good"
The label was silkscreened on a hard paper, stapled on a plastic packaging.
This one was from Bandung, West Java, Indonesia.

Fermented Cassava

Product label: TAPE SINGKONG.
"Tape singkong" means a traditional food made from fermented cassava.
Silkscreen on HVS paper. 
The question are: Why Donald? Why Mickey?
From Malang and Bondowoso, East Java, Indonesia.

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